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2. Supplementation to prevent subclinical mastitis
- A. K. Upadhayay, Pritee Gangwar and Mahesh Kumar
Vet World. 2008; 1(2): 40-41
Effect of supplementation of Zinc, Copper and Levamisole on
incidence of subclinical mastitis was studied. The level of zinc
increases significantly after supplementation and 75% animals was
recovered. However in copper supplemented animals (12) only two
animals showed complete recovery. None of the animals in Zinc and
Copper supplemented group developed clinical mastitis. In
levamisole supplemented group, 50% cows remained in subclinical
state while 50% converted in clinical mastitis. So, the zinc
supplementation is better over other two supplementation.
Keywords: Subclinical
mastitis, California Mastitis Test (CMT), Zinc Sulphate, Copper
Sulphate, Levamisole.