Open Access
Research (Published online: 03-04-2017)
1. Evaluation of different agroindustrial waste on the effect of different carcass characteristics and physiological and biochemical parameters in broilers chicken
Y. Sanchez-Roque, Y. D. C. Perez-Luna, E. Perez-Luna, R. Berrones Hernandez and S. Saldana-Trinidad
Veterinary World, 10(4): 368-374

Y. Sanchez-Roque: Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Chiapas, Eduardo J. Selvas s. n. Col. Magisterial. C. P. 29080, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Y. D. C. Perez-Luna: Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Chiapas, Eduardo J. Selvas s. n. Col. Magisterial. C. P. 29080, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
E. Perez-Luna: Department of Zootechnical, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences Campus V Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas, Carretera Ocozocoautla Villaflores, CHIS 230, 30470 Chis, Mexico.
R. Berrones Hernandez: Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Chiapas, Eduardo J. Selvas s. n. Col. Magisterial. C. P. 29080, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
S. Saldana-Trinidad: Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Chiapas, Eduardo J. Selvas s. n. Col. Magisterial. C. P. 29080, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.368-374

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Article history: Received: 29-09-2016, Accepted: 14-02-2017, Published online: 03-04-2017

Corresponding author: Y. D. C. Perez-Luna


Citation: Sanchez-Roque Y, Perez-Luna YDC, Perez-Luna E, Berrones-Hernandez R, Saldana-Trinidad S (2017) Evaluation of different agroindustrial waste on the effect of different carcass characteristics and physiological and biochemical parameters in broilers chicken, Veterinary World, 10(4): 368-374.

Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the physiological and biochemical effect in chickens of the Ross breed of a food enriched with agroindustrial waste.

Materials and Methods: The food is one of the main components of the total cost for the production of chickens. Rations should be formulated to provide the correct balance of energy, protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids, to allow optimal growth and performance. This study was intended to evaluate a natural feed for chicken, made from corn, yucca meal, eggshells, orange peel, soybean meal, salt and garlic, enriched with agroindustrial waste (molasses, milk whey and ferment of coffee). The weight gain was evaluated in broilers using a diet enriched with different agroindustrial wastes, with respect to a control food of the same composition but not containing residue. To develop the experiment 120 male Ross 308 chicks were used, these were evaluated for 6 weeks. Physicochemical test for the food and the agroindustrial waste were performed; moisture was determined; organic carbon, organic material and the ash, to characterize the agroindustrial wastes, the reducing sugars content using a spectrophotometer at 540 nm and proteins through the Kjeldahl method was evaluated. During the experiment, the weight gain of chickens and feed conversion was evaluated; the end of the experiment the weight of eviscerated channel relative weight breast, thighs, pancreas, and abdominal fat was determined, besides including blood chemistries as determination of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose. Finally, the microbiological analyzes to detect the presence of Escherichia coli in the cecum was determinate. Data were analyzed by InfoStat statistical program using the generalized linear model procedure. The statistical comparison was made by Tukey test at the 95% probability level.

Results: After the evaluation, fed chickens with the treatments food + milk whey (FMW) and food + ferment of coffee (FFC) demonstrated increased from 1949 to 1892 g, respectively, to the 42 days of evaluation, showing the best treatment for weight gain. However, the FFC treatment showed the best feed conversion reaching values of 1.79 related to levels of blood glucose (249 mg/dl). Even so the eviscerated channel yields were higher for the treatment FFC reaching 1810.1 g unlike the treatment FMW which it reached a weight of 1718.2 g with increased formation of abdominal fat (7.4 g) unlike other treatments. From the results, it is concluded that food enriched with coffee ferment allows an increase in weight, better feed conversion in addition to high production of lean meat.

Conclusion: It was shown that the best treatment was the food enriched with the ferment of coffee, due to increased intake and weight gain at the end of 42 days of the experiment.

Keywords: agroindustrial waste, broiler chickens, feed conversion ratio, parameters.


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