Open Access
online: 24-02-2017)
Effect of ethanolic extract of
propolis as an alternative to antibiotics as a growth promoter on
broiler performance, serum biochemistry, and immune responses -
Abbasali Gheisari,
Shekofa Shahrvand,
and Nasir Landy
Veterinary World, 10(2): 249-254

Abbasali Gheisari :
Animal Science
Research Department, Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources
Research and Education Center, AREEO, Isfahan, Iran.
Shekofa Shahrvand :
Department of
Animal Science, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Isfahan, Iran.
Nasir Landy :
Young Researchers
and Elite Club, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Isfahan, Iran.
Received: 04-11-2016, Accepted: 24-01-2017, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Abbasali Gheisari,
Gheisari A, Shahrvand S, Landy N (2017) Effect of ethanolic
extract of propolis as an alternative to antibiotics as a growth
promoter on broiler performance, serum biochemistry and immune
responses, Veterinary World, 10(2): 249-254.
An in vivo
experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of
different levels of ethanolic extract of propolis, on growth
performance, carcass traits, serum biochemistry, and humoral
immune responses of chickens, as compared with the antibiotic
Materials and
312 1-day-old
as-hatched broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly allotted to 6
treatments with 4 replicate pens per treatment. The 6 dietary
treatments fed for 42 days consisted of a corn-soybean meal basal
diet (control); control plus 4.5 mg/kg flavophospholipol, and
control plus 50, 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg ethanol extracts of
propolis, respectively.
propolis nor antibiotic affected the performance criteria;
however, dietary treatments tended to enhance to enhance body
weight and daily feed intake of broiler chickens compared with
control group (p>0.05). None of the dietary treatments
significantly altered feed: Gain though; broilers fed diet
supplemented with 200 mg/kg propolis had better feed: gain values
compared with other groups in starter, and grower phases as well
as the whole experimental period (p>0.05). Carcass yield and
internal organ relative weights were not affected by treatments on
day 42, except for abdominal fat pad weight that decreased in
broilers supplemented with antibiotic. None of the treatments
significantly affected humoral immune function. Dietary treatments
failed to induce any significant effect on serum biochemistry
(p>0.05); though broilers receiving 100 mg/kg propolis had greater
high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lower triglyceride
concentrations compared with other groups.
conclusion, the results indicated that addition of ethanolic
extract of propolis to routine dietary components of broilers,
such as corn and soybean, seems not to have a positive influence
on performance criteria.
antibiotic, broilers, growth performance, immune responses,
propolis, serum biochemistry.
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