Open Access
online: 07-02-2017)
Effect of supplementation of lecithin and
carnitine on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs
fed high-fat diet -
Arathy Saseendran, K. Ally, P. Gangadevi and P. S. Banakar
Veterinary World, 10(2): 149-155

Arathy Saseendran:
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680 651, Kerala, India.
K. Ally:
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680 651, Kerala, India.
P. Gangadevi:
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680 651, Kerala, India.
P. S. Banakar:
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680 651, Kerala, India.
Received: 24-09-2016, Accepted: 03-01-2017, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Arathy Saseendran, e-mail:
Saseendran A, Ally K, Gangadevi P, Banakar PS (2017) Effect of
supplementation of lecithin and carnitine on growth performance
and nutrient digestibility in pigs fed high-fat diet,
Veterinary World,
10(2): 149-155.
To study the effect of dietary supplementation of lecithin and
carnitine on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs
fed high-fat diet.
Materials and Methods:
total of 30 weaned female large white Yorkshire piglets of 2
months of age were selected and randomly divided into three groups
allotted to three dietary treatments, T1 - Control ration as per
the National Research Council nutrient requirement, T2 - Control
ration plus 5% fat, and T3 - T2 plus 0.5% lecithin plus 150 mg/kg
carnitine. The total dry matter (DM) intake, fortnightly body
weight of each individual animal was recorded. Digestibility trial
was conducted toward the end of the experiment to determine the
digestibility coefficient of various nutrients.
There was a significant improvement (p<0.01) observed for pigs
under supplementary groups T2 and T3 than that of control group
(T1) with regards to growth parameters studied such as total DM
intake, average final body weight and total weight gain whereas
among supplementary groups, pigs reared on T3 group had better
intake (p<0.01) when compared to T2 group. Statistical analysis of
data revealed that no differences were observed (p>0.05) among the
three treatments on average daily gain, feed conversion
efficiency, and nutrient digestibility during the overall period.
It was concluded that the dietary inclusion of animal fat at 5%
level or animal fat along with lecithin (0.5%) and carnitine (150
mg/kg) improved the growth performance in pigs than
non-supplemented group and from the economic point of view,
dietary incorporation of animal fat at 5% would be beneficial for
improving growth in pigs without dietary modifiers.
animal fat, carnitine, growth performance, lecithin,
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