Open Access
online: 13-02-2017)
Profile and artificial insemination
practices of technicians and the artificial insemination success
rates in Leyte, Samar, and Biliran, Philippines (2011-2015) -
Adrian P. Ybañez,
Rochelle Haidee D. Ybañez,
Maxine O. Caindec, Louie V. Mani,
Julius V. Abela,
Edgar S. Nuñez,
Johnson T. Royo Jr
and Ivy Fe M. Lopez
Veterinary World, 10(2): 181-186

Adrian P. Ybañez:
Department of Biology and Environmental Science, College of
Science , University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City
6000, Philippines; Department of Research, Gullas College of
Medicine, University of the Visayas, Banilad, Mandaue City 6014,
Cebu, Philippines.
Rochelle Haidee D.
Ybañez :
Department of
Biology and Environmental Science, College of Science , University
of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City 6000, Philippines.
Maxine O. Caindec :
Department of
Biology and Environmental Science, College of Science , University
of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City 6000, Philippines.
Louie V. Mani :
Department of
Biology and Environmental Science, College of Science , University
of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City 6000, Philippines.
Julius V. Abela :
Philippine Carabao
Center at Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City 6521-A,
Leyte, Philippines.
Edgar S. Nuñez :
Philippine Carabao
Center at Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City 6521-A,
Leyte, Philippines.
Johnson T. Royo Jr :
Philippine Carabao
Center at Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City 6521-A,
Leyte, Philippines.
Ivy Fe M. Lopez :
Philippine Carabao
Center at Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City 6521-A,
Leyte, Philippines.
Received: 14-08-2016, Accepted: 17-01-2017, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Adrian P. Ybañez,
Ybañez AP, Ybañez RHD, Caindec MO, Mani LV, Abela JV, Nuñez ES,
Royo JT, Lopez IFM (2017) Profile and artificial insemination
practices of technicians and the artificial insemination success
rates in Leyte, Samar, and Biliran, Philippines (2011-2015),
Veterinary World, 10(2): 181-186.
Artificial insemination (AI) is a reproductive biotechnology that
may be influenced by several factors, including the profile of the
technicians and the practices used. Assessing technician’s profile
and their AI practices can be significant in improving AI success
This study
aimed to know the profile and current practices used by AI
technicians (AITs), to determine the success rates of AI in water
buffaloes in Leyte, Samar, and Biliran from 2011 to 2015, and to
evaluate the possible association between the parameters
Materials and
A total of 50 AITs
from Leyte, Samar and Biliran, Philippines, were interviewed using
a fixed questionnaire about their profile and employed AI
practices, and 20,455 AI-related records of the Philippine Carabao
Center (PCC) at Visayas State University (VSU), Baybay City, Leyte,
were screened and analyzed. AI success rates were determined by
retrospective analysis of the gathered data. Statistical analysis
was performed between the technician profile and practices and the
AI success rates.
revealed that most of the technicians were male, around 31-40
years old, married, college graduates, working under local
government units, had other sources of income, and with 1-5 years
of continuous AI practice averaging 51-100 inseminations per year.
Most of them attended only one basic training seminar, which was
conducted more than 3 years ago in PCC in VSU. AI success rates
were recorded highest in 2011 and lowest in 2015. Statistical
analyses showed that some technician profile parameters (civil
status, average AI per year, and the training center) and several
practices (checking of soft cervix, rectal palpation, thawing
temperature method, straw cutting method, and semen deposition)
might have an influence on the success of AI.
study documents the first report on AIT’s profile and their
employed AI practices and the AI success rates in Leyte, Samar,
and Biliran, Philippines. Selected profile parameters and AI
practices may influence AI success rates. AITs should perform more
AI services and revisit the employed practices.
artificial insemination, artificial insemination technician,
Philippines, profile, water buffalo.
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