Open Access
online: 23-01-2017)
Social engineering of societal knowledge in
livestock science: Can we be more empathetic? -
R. K. Ravikumar, Devesh Thakur, Hardev Choudhary, Vivek Kumar,
Amol S. Kinhekar, Tushar Garg, K. Ponnusamy, G. R. Bhojne, Vasanth
M. Shetty and Vipin Kumar
Veterinary World, 10(1): 86-91

R. K. Ravikumar:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex,
Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India.
Devesh Thakur:
Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education,
Dr. GC Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSK
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur - 176 062,
Himachal Pradesh, India.
Hardev Choudhary:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex, Ahmedabad
380 015, Gujarat, India.
Vivek Kumar:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex, Ahmedabad
380 015, Gujarat, India.
Amol S. Kinhekar:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex, Ahmedabad
380 015, Gujarat, India.
Tushar Garg:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex, Ahmedabad
380 015, Gujarat, India.
K. Ponnusamy:
Division of Dairy Extension, ICAR- National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal - 132 001, Haryana, India.
G. R. Bhojne:
Department of Clinical Medicine, Ethics & Jurisprudence, Nagpur
Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences
University, Nagpur - 440 001, Maharashtra, India.
Vasanth M. Shetty:
Dean, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and
Fisheries Sciences University, Hassan - 573 202, Karnataka, India.
Vipin Kumar:
National Innovation Foundation-India, Satellite Complex, Ahmedabad
380 015, Gujarat, India.
Received: 18-10-2016, Accepted: 09-12-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
R. K. Ravikumar, e-mail:
Ravikumar RK, Thakur D, Choudhary H, Kumar V, Kinhekar AS, Garg T,
Ponnusamy K, Bhojne GR, Shetty VM, Kumar V (2017) Social
engineering of societal knowledge in livestock science: Can we be
more empathetic?
Veterinary World, 10(1): 86-91.
Questions are raised in effective utilization of farmer’s wisdom
by communities in their farming. Planners support to livelihood
emphasize mostly of inputs from outside and not setting up
sustainable goals. Formal institutions and planners of program are
finding constraints and sceptical in wider dissemination of
indigenous knowledge research system (IKRS). This is in spite of
evidence that considerable number of farmer’s in livestock sector
depends on IKRS. In this context, it is pertinent to showcase
dissemination potential of these knowledge system(s) in larger
geographical areas. The review illustrates different challenges
encountered while control of livestock ailments like ectoparasite
infestation through IKRS. Several times, it was opinioned to
provide or share IKRS to thwart ailments in a specific region.
This is interesting as it was narrated how formal system is unable
to recognize farmer’s problem and challenges in integrating these
sustainable practices. It has to be noted that disseminating
activities seldom takes into account the experimental potential of
farmers. This review paper articulates various evidences generated
in enhancing diffusion thereby dissemination of IKRS. The nature
of support extended by IKRS in entrepreneurial activity of
smallholder farming units did not get adequate recognition. There
needs to be minimum standard protocol in deriving benefit from
such low-cost alternative technologies. This will enrich
incremental innovation activities as per location specific need
and provide scope for wider dissemination.
health, indigenous knowledge, innovation, institution, livestock,
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