Open Access
online: 30-01-2017)
Associations between single nucleotide
polymorphisms in multiple candidate genes and body weight in
rabbits -
Karim El-Sabrout and Sarah A. Aggag
Veterinary World, 10(1): 136-139

Karim El-Sabrout:
Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture,
Aflaton St., El-Shatby, P.O. Box 21545, University of
Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
Sarah A. Aggag:
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Aflaton St., El-Shatby,
P.O. Box 21545, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
Received: 01-10-2016, Accepted: 29-12-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Karim El-Sabrout, e-mail:
El-Sabrout K, Aggag SA (2017) Associations between single
nucleotide polymorphisms in multiple candidate genes and body
weight in rabbits,
Veterinary World,
10(1): 136-139.
In this study, we examined parts of six growth genes (growth
hormone [GH], melanocortin 4 receptor [MC4R], growth hormone
receptor [GHR], phosphorglycerate mutase [PGAM], myostatin [MSTN],
and fibroblast growth factor [FGF]) as specific primers for two
rabbit lines (V-line, Alexandria) using nucleotide sequence
analysis, to investigate association between detecting single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of these genes and body weight (BW)
at market.
Materials and Methods:
Each line kits were grouped into high and low weight rabbits to
identify DNA markers useful for association studies with high BW.
DNA from blood samples of each group was extracted to amplify the
six growth genes. SNP technique was used to study the associate
polymorphism in the six growth genes and marketing BW (at 63 days)
in the two rabbit lines. The purified polymerase chain reaction
products were sequenced in those had the highest and lowest BW in
each line.
Alignment of sequence data from each group revealed the following
SNPs: At nucleotide 23 (A-C) and nucleotide 35 (T-G) in MC4R gene
(sense mutation) of Alexandria and V-line high BW. Furthermore, we
detected the following SNPs variation between the two lines: A SNP
(T-C) at nucleotide 27 was identified by MC4R gene (sense
mutation) and another one (A-C) at nucleotide 14 was identified by
GHR gene (nonsense mutation) of Alexandria line. The results of
individual BW at market (63 days) indicated that Alexandria
rabbits had significantly higher BW compared with V-line rabbits.
MC4R polymorphism showed significant association with high BW in
The results of polymorphism demonstrate the possibility to detect
an association between BW in rabbits and the efficiency of the
used primers to predict through the genetic specificity using the
SNP of MC4R.
associated genes, body weight, prediction, rabbit, single
nucleotide polymorphism.
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