Open Access
online: 12-03-2017)
Effect of peripartum nutritional
management on plasma profile of steroid hormones, metabolites, and
postpartum fertility in buffaloes -
R. M. Kalasariya, A. J. Dhami, K. K. Hadiya, D. N. Borkhatariya
and J. A. Patel
Veterinary World, 10(3): 302-310

R. M. Kalasariya:
Department of
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, AAU, Anand, Gujarat,
A. J. Dhami:
Department of
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, AAU, Anand, Gujarat, India.
K. K. Hadiya:
Department of
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, AAU, Anand, Gujarat, India.
D. N. Borkhatariya:
Department of
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, AAU, Anand, Gujarat, India.
J. A. Patel:
Department of
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, AAU, Anand, Gujarat, India.
Received: 24-09-2016, Accepted: 25-01-2017, Published online:
Corresponding author:
A. J. Dhami,
Kalasariya RM, Dhami AJ, Hadiya KK, Borkhatariya DN, Patel JA
(2017) Effect of peripartum nutritional management on plasma
profile of steroid hormones, metabolites, and postpartum fertility
in buffaloes, Veterinary World, 10(3): 302-310.
The aim of
this study was to evaluate the influence of peripartum protein and
minerals supplementation on plasma profile of steroid hormones,
metabolites, and fertility in rural buffaloes.
Material and
A total of 85
advanced pregnant (~8 months) pluriparous buffaloes selected at
farmers’ doorstep in three tribal villages of Middle Gujarat were
randomly divided into two groups, viz., control (n=45) and
nutrients treatment (40). The buffaloes of treatment group (n=40),
in addition to farmers feeding schedule/control, received daily
1.5 kg compound concentrate mixture (22% CP) and 50 g of chelated
ASMM for 2 months each pre- and post-partum. Further, 15
buffaloes, each of control and treatment group, were injected
parentrally (deep i/m) with 5 ml of micro-minerals (each ml
containing Se, Zn, Cu and Mn at 5, 40, 15 and 10 mg,
respectively), twice 2 months before and on the day of calving,
keeping rest of the animals (control, n=30 and treatment, n=25) as
controls. Blood sampling was done on days −60, −30, −15, 0, 15,
30, 45, and 60 peripartum for estimation of plasma progesterone
and estradiol by standard RIA techniques and other metabolites
using assay kits on biochemistry analyzer. The puerperal events
and postpartum fertility were monitored through history and by
fortnightly palpation per rectum till day 45 and then again at 120
days postpartum for both the groups and subgroups.
The mean
plasma progesterone concentrations in all groups declined
significantly (p<0.05) from day 60 to day 15 prepartum, reached to
the basal levels (<0.5 ng/ml) on the day of parturition, and
subsequently, reduced nonsignificantly till day 15 postpartum and
then showed a rising trend from day 30 to 60 postpartum with
significantly higher values at day 45 and/or 60. The mean plasma
estradiol values increased with approaching parturition and were
at its peak on the day of calving (p<0.01). Thereafter, there was
a rapid fall in the levels by day 15 and it remained low till day
45-60 postpartum. The blood glucose values showed an increasing
trend with advancing gestation, reaching the highest on the day of
calving, dropped significantly (p<0.01) within 15 days postpartum,
and thereafter showed consistent values. The buffaloes
supplemented with peripartum nutrients maintained significantly
(p<0.05) higher blood glucose concentrations than the control
during the peak lactation. The plasma protein levels varied
significantly (p<0.05) between days within the group with the
lowest values on the day of calving, as well as between groups
with higher (p<0.05) values on day 30 and 60 postpartum in treated
group. Micro-minerals injected did not reveal significant
influence on steroid hormones, blood glucose, or plasma protein.
The mean plasma total cholesterol was significantly lower (p<0.05)
in treatment than the control group. The mean values in
micro-minerals injected subgroup were higher than the non-injected
control subgroup during postpartum phase. The mean plasma
triglyceride values in the pregnant buffaloes under both the
groups and subgroups gradually decreased as parturition approached
with significantly lowest values on the day of calving. The values
increased nonsignificantly by day 15 and then remained steady
throughout postpartum period without influence of nutrient
supplementation or micro-minerals injection. The incidence of
retained fetal membranes (RFMs) was 5.00 and 13.33% in treatment
and control groups, respectively, with placental expulsion time of
3.27±0.37 and 4.44±0.53 h (p>0.05). The micro-minerals injection
appreciably reduced the incidence of RFMs and significantly
(p<0.05) reduced the placental expulsion time over non-injected
controls. In treatment group, the period for involution of uterus
was significantly shorter (29.39±0.50 vs. 32.12±0.82 days,
p<0.05), with early onset of first postpartum estrus (67.65±1.67
vs. 79.43±3.06 days, p<0.01), shorter service period (90.89±4.41
vs. 105.09±4.76 days, p<0.05) and higher conception rate (55.00
vs. 40.00%) than in control group. The micro-minerals injection
apparently and/ or significantly improved all these traits in both
the groups. Thus, the postpartum reproductive performance was
significantly improved in treated than control groups and
results showed that nutrient supplementation in terms of high
protein concentrate, ASMM and injection of sustained release
micro-minerals (Se, Zn, Cu, and Mn) during transition period
minutely altered the plasma steroid hormones and blood metabolites
though it significantly improved the postpartum reproductive
performance in buffaloes under field conditions.
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protein and mineral supplementation, transition period.
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