doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.41-47
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Article history: Received: 11-09-2018, Accepted: 14-11-2018, Published online: 07-01-2019
Corresponding author: Kalyani Putty
Citation: Putty K, Shaik AM, Peera SJ, Reddy YN, Rao PP, Patil SR, Reddy MS, Susmitha B, Jyothi JS (2019) Infection kinetics and antibody responses in Deccani sheep during experimental infection and superinfection with bluetongue virus serotypes 4 and 16, Veterinary World, 12(1): 41-47.Aim: The current study was designed to understand the infection kinetics and antibody responses of major circulating serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV) in India, i.e., BTV-4 and BTV-16 through experimental infection and superinfection of Deccani sheep, a popular breed of sheep found in the southern states of India.
Materials and Methods: Experimental infection with 106 TCID50/ml BTV-4 was followed by superinfection with BTV-16 and vice versa. Along with observing for clinical signs and immunological responses in the experimentally infected sheep, the effect of infection of one specific serotype on the outcome of superinfection with a different serotype was also studied.
Results: Certain interesting findings have been made in the course of experimental infection, such as prominent signs of infection in BTV-4 infection, mild or no clinical signs in BTV-16-infected and superinfected animals, and non-seroconversion of one of the BTV-16-superinfected animals. In addition, BTV was isolated from infected sheep in all the experimental conditions except BTV-16 superinfection. Furthermore, it was observed that immune response in the form of type-specific antibodies was slower with BTV-16 superinfection.
Conclusion: Superinfection of a sheep with more than one serotype of BTV is a common phenomenon in BT endemic countries like India. Such situation was replicated in an experimental infection in the current study, and the findings to our knowledge are first of a kind and are likely to aid in unfolding the newer aspects of BTV pathogenesis and virulence.
Keywords: bluetongue, bluetongue virus-16, bluetongue virus-4, infection kinetics, superinfection.
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