Open Access
Research (Published online: 15-06-2020)
12. Genotyping of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus detected in diseased rabbits in Egyptian Provinces by VP60 sequencing
Ahmed M. Erfan and Azhar G. Shalaby
Veterinary World, 13(6): 1098-1107

Ahmed M. Erfan: Reference Laboratory for Veterinary Quality Control on Poultry Production, Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki. Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, 12618, Egypt.
Azhar G. Shalaby: Reference Laboratory for Veterinary Quality Control on Poultry Production, Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki. Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, 12618, Egypt.


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Article history: Received: 06-02-2020, Accepted: 05-05-2020, Published online: 15-06-2020

Corresponding author: Azhar G. Shalaby


Citation: Erfan AM, Shalaby AG (2020) Genotyping of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus detected in diseased rabbits in Egyptian Provinces by VP60 sequencing, Veterinary World, 13(6): 1098-1107.

Background and Aim: Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) is an economically important disorder of rabbits, where infection results in severe losses to the meat and fur industries. Our goal was to characterize the RHD virus (RHDV) strains currently circulating in different regions of Egypt.

Materials and Methods: Fifty rabbits suspected of harboring RHDV from 15 Egyptian governorates were evaluated. Diseased rabbits were identified by clinical signs and postmortem lesions. RHDV was confirmed through hemagglutination assay (HA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Partial sequencing of the VP60 gene was performed for genotyping.

Results: From 50 rabbits, we identified 16 cases of RHDV (32%) by HA and PCR, including seven males and nine females. We identified two distinct genotypes through sequencing of an amplified fragment of the virus VP 60 gene. One group is composed of those circulating primarily in upper Egypt, which is closely related to the classical G3-G5 virus strains, and the second group, circulating predominantly in lower Egypt, was more closely related to the RHDV2 variant. The overall nucleotide sequence identity ranged from 78.4% to 100%, and identity with the vaccine strains ranged from 78.8% to 91.1%.

Conclusion: Our results constitute important documentation of RHDV strains currently circulating in Egypt. The findings suggest that there may be a limit to the effectiveness of currently applied vaccine strains as this formulation may not cover all circulating strains. A wider investigation that includes both domestic and wild rabbits will be needed to identify appropriate control measures for this disease.

Keywords: Egypt, native rabbits, prevalence, rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, VP60.