Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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3.    Comparison of structural polypeptides of two field isolates of IBH virus - S. K. Saxena, R. Chandra, R Kumar and D. Kumar

Veterinary World 2(8): 301-303


Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH) caused by adenovirus is a reemerging diseaseof mainly young broiler chicks of 3-5 weeks age. The polypeptide pattern of a local isolate of virus causing Inclusion Body Hepatitis was analyzed by sodium dodecyl slulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A total of 9 polypeptides ranging in molecular weight between 35.2 and 110.0 kDa were observed. Western blot analysis of structural polypeptides also revealed that all 9 polypeptides were immunogenic. Out of these 9 polypeptides, 2 viz 97.4 kDa and 53.9 kDa were found to be major immunogenic polypeptide based on intense staining.

Keywords : Inclusion Body Hepatitis, Immunogenic polypeptides, Structural polypeptides.