Veterinary World


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5.    Study on clinical symptoms in canine cardiac diseases - Sarita Devi, R. G. Jani, F. Karlette Anne and Ratn Deep Singh

Veterinary World 2(8): 307-309


Cardiac diseases in canines are an extensively studied phenomenon all over the world but meagre information has been reported in India. Certain problems, including historical, physical, and laboratory abnormalities, are associated with cardiovascular or pulmonary disease. In India however, the recognition of canine cardiac diseases has been delayed, and ignored on account of lack of awareness and knowledge by the owner and inadequate diagnostic facility to a field veterinarian. Considering the above facts, the present study was undertaken in Gujarat to survey the prevalence of common cardiac diseases in hospital population of dogs along with the clinical symptoms which often goes undetected due to lack of proper diagnostic techniques to be implied and the most forms of heart disease may be present for many years before any evidence of failure develops. In the present study most of the clinical cases of cardiac diseases were presented with a history of nocturnal coughing (seven cases; 2.55%), exercise intolerance (five cases; 1.82%), partial or complete anorexia (five cases; 1.82%), swelling in abdominal area (four cases; 1.45%), dullness and depression (two cases; 0.72%), cachexia and hepatojugular pulsation (one case each; 0.36% each) at times.

Keywords: Cachexia, Anorexia, Cardiac Disease, Canine.