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Evaluation of antiulcer activity
of Ocimum Sanctum in rats
- G. R.
Ghangale, Tushar Mahale and Jadhav N.D
World 2(12):465-466
Aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum was
evaluated for its Antiulcer activity
against methanol induced ulcer in Wistar rats.
The aqueous extract ofOcimum sanctum at
the dose rate of 100mg /kg an 200 mg/kg per orally
exhibited significant protection against ethanol
induced gastric ulceration. The present
investigation revealed that Ocimum sanctum exhibited
significant antiulcer activity
by enhancing antioxidant potential of gastric mucosa
thereby reducing mucosal damage.
Keywords: Antiulcer activity,
Herbal drug, Antioxidant.