Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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13.  Reproduction in camel - A. V. Khanvilkar, S. R. Samant and B. N. Ambore
Vet World. 2009; 2(2): 72-73


The word camel is derived from the Greek word “kremal”. Camel is an important component of the desert ecosystem from time immemorial and is recognized as the “Ship of the desert”. Humans depend on this animal not just for meat, milk and hide but also as one of the most important mode of transport in the desert which has increased to 10,30,000 million according to FAO census, which is almost 6-8% of the total camel population of the world. The genus Camelus has two species, one humped camel found in Africa, Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and India and two-humped camel found in Central Asia reaching up to Mongolia and Western part of China. Camels have 70 chromosomes. Camels do not have sweat glands and can tolerate heat up to 49 oC to 50oC during the daytime and 30oC during nighttime.

Keywords: Camel, Desert, Transport, Ecosystem, Mating, Rutting, Reproduction, Pregnancy.