Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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7.    Accelerated growth programme with polyherbal formulations for dairy calves - K. Hadiya, S. Maini, D. S. Rekhe and K. Ravikanth
Vet World. 2009; 2(2): 62-64


An experimental field study in approximately one month old, forty-eight Jaffrabadi buffalo calves were carried out to evaluate efficacy of herbal formulations on growth & average daily gain. Calves were randomly divided into four groups, one control & three treatments. Treated groups were administered herbal formulations; Ruchamax, AV/DAC/16 @5gm/calf/day & Yakrifit @1 bolus/calf/day following treatment regimen of once a week per month for three consecutive months therapy. Growth related parameters were recorded for ninety days of experimental trial. It was observed that supplementation of herbal growth promoter & liver tonic products significantly improved liver function, feed assimilation & digestibility of ration ultimately leading to gain in body weight as compared to untreated control group.

Keywords: calf, herbal, growth, digestibility, body weight, liver tonic.