Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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9.    Snake bite in dogs and its successful treatment - K. J. Ananda, K. Mohan, Ansar Kamran and R. Sharada 
Vet World. 2009; 2(2): 66-67


Two dog viz. Labrador and Alsatian cross were presented to the peripheral hospital with a history of frothy salivation, dull, depressed, abnormal gait and with recumbent position. They were diagnosed for snakebite based on the history and physical examination. The hematological parameters showed reduced values of hemoglobin, packed cell volume and increased total leukocyte count. The biochemical values showed elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase and creatinine. The successful treatment was done with anti-snake venom, fluid, corticosteroid, muscuranic receptor antagonist and antibiotic with careful monitoring.

Key words: Labrador, Alsatian cross, snakebite, treatment