Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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5.    Training needs of farm women in dairy farming - Durgga Rani V. And M. R. Subhadra
Vet World. 2009; 2(6): 221-223


A study was conducted in Thrissur taluk of Thrissur district to assess the training needs of farm women engaged in dairy farming. It was found that out of the five major farm operations studied, the farm women needed training the most in housing. The minor operations preferred the most for knowledge need were proper design of cattle shed, selection of breeds, compounding balanced feed using locally available ingredients, vaccination and banking and insurance. As for skill need, construction of scientific low cost cattle shed, selection of breeds, compounding balanced feed using locally available ingredients, symptoms of common diseases and banking and insurance were preferred the most.

Keywords :  Training Needs, Farm Women, Dairy Farming.