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1. Incidence of avian
mycoplasmosis in the region of Batna, eastern
Algeria -
N. Heleili, B. Mamache, A. Chelihi
Vet World. 2011; 4(3): 101-105
Avian mycoplasmosis is infectious and contagious
disease which affects chicken and turkey as well as
many other species with many economics losses. The
absence of data on avian mycoplasmosis in Algeria
and the importance of the poultry breeding in Batna
encouraged us to undertake the prevalence of the
most pathogenic mycoplasmas in broiler and layer
chickens in this area, Mycoplasma gallisepticum
(MG). 143 Mycoplasmas were isolate from 237 samples,
at a rate of 60.33%. MG was isolate at a rate of
21.67% (2.09% in layer hens and 19.58% in broiler
chickens). The serological screening using of
breedings showed a sensitivity of 83.10%. This study
shows that mycoplasmosis and in particular MG
infection, represent a serious problem in chickens
in Algeria in the absence of hygiene conditions and
vaccination especially.
Key words: Mycoplasma
gallisepticum, Growth inhibition test,
Seroprevalence, Broiler chickens, laying hens,
Mycoplasmosis, Avian Disease.