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Original Research
Clinico-pathological studies of cattle naturally
infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies
paratuberculosis in Khartoum State, Sudan -
K B Mohammed and Zakia A. Mohamed
Vet World. 2012; 5(2): 69-74
10.5455/vetworld.201 2.69-74
Four crossbred cows, 3-5 year- old, naturally
infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies
paratuberculosis (MAP) were sacrificed and
necropsied. Clinically, they showed profused
diarrhoea, emaciation and rough coat with an area
of alopecia on the tail. The most prominent
macroscopic lesions were thickening, oedema and
corrugation of the wall of small and large
intestines. The mesenteric lymph nodes were
enlarged and oedematous. Microscopically, all cows
presented granulomatous enteritis. The
inflammatory exudates varied from accumulation of
lymphoid cells mixed with some epithelioid
macrophages and giant cells to sheets of
epithelioid macrophages intermingled with some
lymphoid cells. The lymphatics in the submucosa of
both the small and large intestines were dilatated
and filled with pink homogenous proteinous
materials. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) were
demonstrated in the infiltrating epithelioid
macrophages and giant cells. Culture of inocula
from the small and large intestines and the
mesenteric lymph nodes of all animals showed
small, round, smooth and glistening colonies 5-7
weeks following incubation in Herrold's Egg Yolk
Medium at 37°C.
Keywords: Pathology,
Cattle, Naturally, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis,
Khartoum, Sudan