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Original Research
Haematological effects of aqueous extract of
ornamental plants in male swiss albino mice -
N Mishra and V L Tandon
Vet World. 2012; 5(1): 19-23
Treatment of mice with crude extract of Hibiscus
rosa sinensis flowers (500 mg/kg BW) and
Bougainvillea spectabilis leaves (800 mg/kg BW)
for a period of 30 days indicates a significant
increase in the level of hemoglobin and count of
RBC but a significant decline in the level of MCH
and MCV in the former case. On the other hand, in
B. spectabilis treated animals, the level of
hemoglobin, RBC count & PCV declined
significantly. Hence, it is concluded that the use
of H. rosa sinensis whereas may not cause any
adverse effect on animals, B. spectabilis is to be
used with care as its chronic use may cause
Keywords: Crude extract, H. rosa
sinensis, B. spectabilis, hemoglobin, MCH, MCV,