Aim: The objective of this study was to
determine the possible extent of soil
contamination at different public places with
Toxocara species eggs.
Materials and
Methods: A Total of 327 samples of soil were
collected and examined from different locations
which are of public health importance like public
parks, playgrounds, door mat dusts, Sidewalks or
road sides, in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, to
establish the prevalence of Toxocara eggs.
Samples were also categorized in to sandy type
(225) and clay type (102) which were examined by
Dunsmore modified technique.
Results: 42
samples out of 327 (12.84%) were found to be
contaminated with the Toxocara spp. eggs
and public parks were more contaminated than the
other sites we studied. Clay type soil samples
were found to be more contaminated than sandy type
with a prevalence of 17.64%.
The prevalence of this zoonotic parasite in soil
has implications for the spread of human disease
in these areas. The authors believe that this may
constitute a significant health risk, particularly
to children. Keywords: Bareilly,
prevalence, soil, Toxocara eggs