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Research (Published online: 18-04-2014)

12. Antimicrobial activity of Algerian honey on subclinical mastitis pathogens isolated from goat's milk - A. Bourabah, A. Ayad, S. M. Hammoudi, L. Boukraa and H. Benbarek
Veterinary World, 7(4): 248-252



   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2014.248-252


A. Bourabah: Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria

A. Ayad: Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria; Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences, University A. Mira, 06000, Bejaia, Algeria

S.M. Hammoudi: Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria

L. Boukraa: Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria

H. Benbarek: Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria; Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences, University of Mascara, 29000, Mascara, Algeria

Received: 08-02-2014, Revised: 19-03-2014, Accepted: 24-03-2014, Published online: 18-04-2014

Corresponding author:
Hama Benbarek, email:


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