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online: 24-04-2014)
16. Hydatidosis as a major cause of liver
condemnation among parasitic diseases in goats and sheep in Keren
slaughterhouse, Anseba zone, Eritrea - Michael K.
Ghebremariam, Menghistab G.Debesai, D. Sanjay and A. P. Basharat
Veterinary World, 7(4): 266-270

Michael K. Ghebremariam: Department of Veterinary Sciences,
Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea, North-East Africa;
Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Menghistab G. Debesai: Department of Agricultural
Economics, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea, North-East
D. Sanjay: Department of Veterinary Sciences, Hamelmalo
Agricultural College, Eritrea, North-East Africa
A. P. Basharat: Department of Veterinary Sciences,
Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea, North-East Africa
Received: 21-12-2013, Revised: 17-03-2014, Accepted: 26-03-2014,
Published online: 24-04-2014
Corresponding author: Michael
K. Ghebremariam, email:
Aim: To find out the
prevalence of hydatidosis and the number of livers condemned due
to this disease using retrospective data from municipal
slaughterhouse in Keren, Eritrea.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective data of ten years
(1999 to 2008) on slaughtered goats and sheep was collected from
Keren Municipal slaughterhouse, Anseba Zone of Eritrea. The data
was analyzed for the prevalence of hydatidosis and the number of
livers condemned. Besides, condemned livers from sheep and goats
due to the presence of hydatid cysts were collected (September to
December, 2008, and from March to July, 2009) for gross
examination and microscopic pathology.
Result: Our findings indicated that among the parasitic
diseases encountered in the slaughtered animals, hydatid cysts
were the most prevalent ones.
Conclusion: This study has depicted that the major
contributor for liver condemnation was hydatidosis. Moreover, the
study has shown that the trend of the prevalence of hydatidosis is
increasing and this warrants immediate intervention for its
Keywords: Eritrea, goat, hydatidosis, liver, sheep,
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