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online: 03-04-2014)
2. Histopathological evaluation of medial
patellar ligament and radiographic evaluation of the stifle joint
of upward fixation of patella affected bovines
- M. Naveen, D. Dilip Kumar, B. V. Shivaprakash, S. M.
Usturge and Ashok Pawar
Veterinary World, 7(4):

M. Naveen: Department of Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary
College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences
University, Nandinagar, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka, India
D. Dilip Kumar: Department of Surgery and Radiology,
Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries
Sciences University, Nandinagar, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka, India
B. V. Shivaprakash: Department of Surgery and Radiology,
Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries
Sciences University, Nandinagar, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka, India
S. M. Usturge: Department of Surgery and Radiology,
Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries
Sciences University, Nandinagar, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka, India
Ashok Pawar: Department of Anatomy and Histology,
Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries
Sciences University, Nandinagar, Bidar-585 401, Karnataka, India
Received: 22-01-2014, Revised: 01-03-2014, Accepted: 05-03-2014,
Published online: 03-04-2014
Corresponding author: M.
Naveen, email:
Aim: To evaluate the medial
patellar ligament by histopathology and stifle joint by
radiography of upward fixation of patella affected bovines.
Materials and Methods: Present study was conducted on 24
clinical cases of bovines. Out of twenty four clinical cases of
upward fixation of patella, twelve were buffaloes, six were cows
and remaining six were bullocks. Histopathological evaluation of
medial patellar ligament from the affected animals and
radiographic evaluation of stifle joint were done as per standard
Results: Histopathological observations were made as
follows. Nuclei of the fibroblasts were oval shaped and
hypertrophied, as compared to thin, elongated normal nuclei. There
was an excessive proliferation of fibrous connective tissue. There
was a presence of mononuclear cells and fibrin exudates in the
surrounding loose connective tissue of the ligament and medial
coat of the blood vessels of medial patellar ligament was
thickened. Plain radiographs that were taken in the medio-lateral
view did not reveal any evidence of upward or dorsal deviation of
patella in relation to the femoral condyle.
Conclusions: Histopathological evaluation of the medial
patellar ligaments of upward fixation of patella affected bovines
showed various pathological changes, while radiography of the
stifle joint did not confirm the condition.
Keywords: bovines, patella, desmotomy, ligament,
histopathology, radiography.
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