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online: 04-04-2014)
3. Seroprevalence of bluetongue in sheep
and goats in Egypt
- M. A. Mahmoud and Manal H. Khafagi
Veterinary World, 7(4):

M. A. Mahmoud:
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary
Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki - 12622, Giza,
Manal H. Khafagi:
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary
Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki - 12622, Giza,
Received: 22-01-2014, Revised: 25-02-2014, Accepted: 07-03-2014,
Published online: 04-04-2014
Corresponding author: M. A.
Mahmoud, email:
Aim: The study was undertaken
to understand the epidemiological status of bluetongue infection
in Egypt.
Materials and Methods: Serum samples were collected from
clinically healthy as well as suspected sheep and goats. Samples
were collected during the vector breeding season from September to
November 2010, from 14 Egyptian governorates which represent
different geographical regions of Egypt, and were tested by Agar
Gel Immuno-precipitation Test (AGPT).
Results: Out of total 1293 animal serum samples (sheep-1028
and goats-265), 17.5% of sheep and 14.7% of goats serum samples
were found positive. The overall prevalence of anti-BT antibodies
in different governorates was 16.9%. The highest prevalence of
bluetongue group specific antibodies was detected in Beni-Suef,
Giza, and Al Sharqia governorates (13.2%). The results indicate
that there is a necessity to run further studies to identify the
negative governorates. In addition, there is a lack in information
regarding the BTV serotypes in Egypt.
Conclusion: This study reflected high seroprevalence of
bluetongue infection in sheep than goats. The results indicated
that further studies are needed to identify the vectors from
different agro-climatic zones, in addition, the BTV serotypes that
are circulating in Egypt.
Keywords: antibody, bluetongue, goat, sheep, prevalence,
virus, Egypt.
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