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online: 11-04-2014)
8. Investigation of haemoglobin
polymorphism in Ogaden cattle - Sanjoy Kumar Pal and
Yesihak Yusuf Mummed
Veterinary World, 7(4): 229-233

Sanjoy Kumar Pal: School of Animal & Range Sciences,
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya
University, Post Box 138, Ethiopia.
Yesihak Yusuf Mummed: Department of Animal and Wildlife
Sciences, University of Pretoria, Private bag X20, Hatfield,
Pretoria 0028, South Africa
Received: 23-10-2013, Revised: 04-03-2014, Accepted: 12-03-2014,
Published online: 11-04-2014
Corresponding author: Sanjoy Kumar Pal, email:
Background and Aim: The
Ogaden cattle is one among the tropical cattle breeds (Bos indicus)
widely distributed in eastern and south eastern part of Ethiopia.
The breed has been evolved in arid and semi arid agro-ecological
setup, but later on distributed and adapted to the wide
agro-ecological zones. Because of its multi-purpose role, the
Ogaden cattle have been used for milk, beef, and income
generation. Information on the inherent genetic diversity is
important in the design of breeding improvement programmes, making
rational decisions on sustainable utilization and conservation of
Animal Genetic Resources. Limited information is available about
genetic variation of Ogaden breed at molecular level. The present
investigation was aimed to study the biochemical polymorphism at
the Hemoglobin (Hb) locus.
Materials and Methods: Blood samples collected from 105
Ogaden cattle maintained at Haramaya beef farm by jugular vein
puncture were subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis [pH range
8.4-8.5] to study the polymorphic activities of haemoglobin.
Results: Three types of phenotypes were detected i.e. a
slow moving (AA) band, fast moving (BB) band and a combination of
slow + fast moving bands (AB). The frequency of the fast moving
band was less [13 (12.3%)] than the slow moving band [57 (54.2%)].
Both slow & fast moving phenotype was observed in 35 (33.3%)
animals. The gene frequency of HBA allele was 0.709 and that of
HBB allele 0.291.
Conclusion: The distribution of phenotypes was in agreement
with codominant single gene inheritance. The Chi-square (χ2)
test revealed that the population is under Hardy-Weinberg
Keywords: Ethiopia, haemoglobin, Ogaden cattle, phenotype,
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