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online: 16-08-2014)
Benefit cost analysis of Rhode Island Red chicken rearing in
backyard on the basis of egg production performance -
P. K. Das, P. R. Ghosh, S. Pradhan, B. Roy and D. Mazumdar
Veterinary World, 7(8): 605-609

P. K. Das: Department of Veterinary Physiology, West Bengal
University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37, K. B. Sarani, Kolkata
- 700 037, West Bengal, India;
P. R. Ghosh: Department of Veterinary Physiology, West
Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37, K. B. Sarani,
Kolkata - 700 037, West Bengal, India;
S. Pradhan: Department of Veterinary Pathology, West Bengal
University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37, K. B. Sarani, Kolkata
- 700 037, West Bengal, India;
B. Roy: Department of Animal Nutrition, West Bengal
University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37, K. B. Sarani, Kolkata
- 700 037, West Bengal, India;
D. Mazumdar: Department of Agriculture Statistics, Bidhan
Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India;
Received: 29-04-2014, Revised: 01-07-2014, Accepted: 07-07-2014,
Published online: 16-08-2014
Corresponding author: P. K. Das, email:
Aim: The aim of the present
study was to analyze of the egg production features of backyard
chicken rearing with an evaluation of production cost of an egg
and there by benefit-cost analysis.
Materials and Methods: Study was conducted on 60000 chicken
covering five different agroclimatic zones in the state West
Bengal, India. Initially each farmer was provided day-old Rhode
Island Red chicks, commercial ration upto pre-laying stage having
CP of 17.23% and 12.32% in chick and grower mash respectively
along with common management support system for backyard poultry
rearing viz. separate poultry night shelter and brooding
facilities, deworming and vaccination and regular health check up
system, later farmers were allowed to use the supplemented feed
made by the locally available resources having various crude
protein content.
Results: It was observed that there was no significant
variation in respect of total egg production under various
supplemented crude protein containing feed, whereas significantly
higher egg production feature is observed in Coastal and Old
Alluvial zones.
Conclusion: The study concluded that more profit was
occurred to those farmers who provided the supplemented feed with
less crude protein content along with scavenging. This scope is
more in new alluvial zone. It was also observed that profit
started from 11 month onwards in each agro-climatic zone as well
as in each category of supplemented feed.
Keywords: backyard, benefit-cost analysis, chicken, egg
production, RIR.
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