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online: 21-08-2014)
Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for
progesterone by using a heterologous system in plasma bovine
- A. Ayad,
M. Iguer Ouada and H. Benbarek
Veterinary World, 7(8): 610-613

A. Ayad:
Department of Environment and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Life
and Nature Sciences, University A. Mira, 06000, Bejaia, Algeria;
Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary
Institute, Ibn Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria;,
M. Iguer Ouada:
Department of Environment and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Life
and Nature Sciences, University A. Mira, 06000,
H. Benbarek: Laboratory of
Research on Local Animal Products, Veterinary Institute, Ibn
Khaldoun University, 14000, Tiaret, Algeria; Department of
Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences,
University M. Istambouli, 29000, Mascara, Algeria;
12-05-2014, Revised: 27-07-2014, Accepted: 02-08-2014, Published
online: 21-08-2014
Corresponding author: A. Ayad,
The present study describes the use of
electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassay method with specific
kit human progesterone for measuring plasma progesterone in
Materials and Methods: Nine Holstein-Friesian females were
selected and artificially inseminated (AI). Blood samples were
collected from the coccygeal vessels into tubes containing EDTA at
day 0 (n = 5, the control group) and day 90 (n = 4, diagnosed
pregnant by rectal palpation) after AI. The day of AI was
considered as day 0 for the calculation of pregnancy day. The
samples were immediately centrifuged (15 min at 1500 × g),
and the plasma was stored at
until assay. The assay of progesterone was carried out by a method
of competition immunological type in heterogeneous phase. The
antibodies of capture and revelation are monoclonal specific to
progesterone of human origin.
Results: The progesterone
(P4) concentration in the whole female was physiological. The
results of inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation were
16.6% and 6.7%, respectively. The values of accuracy and
parallelism obtained were satisfactory.
Conclusion: The preliminary
results show clearly that human progesterone ECL kit can be used
to measure P4 in plasma bovine.
Keywords: assay, cow,
electochemiluminescence, progesterone.
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