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online: 25-08-2014)
Retrospective study of dog bite
cases at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and its
environment - Ajoke Modupeoluwa Ehimiyein, Felix Nanfa,
Ikhide Oluwatoni Ehimiyein and Balarabe Magaji Jahun
Veterinary World, 7(8): 617-621

Ajoke Modupeoluwa Ehimiyein:
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,
Felix Nanfa: Department of Veterinary
Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria;
Ikhide Oluwatoni Ehimiyein: Gimaf
Veterinary Consult, Kaduna, Nigeria;
Balarabe Magaji Jahun: Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria;
Received: 06-04-2014, Revised: 08-07-2014,
Accepted: 14-07-2014, Published online: 25-08-2014
Corresponding author: Ajoke
Modupeoluwa Ehimiyein, email:,
A 10-year retrospective study was undertaken to determine the
prevalence of dog bites reported to the Veterinary Teaching
Hospital (VTH), Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, and to
implement measures to control rabies exposure in the environment.
Materials and Methods: Data on dog bite cases, reported to the
VTH of ABU, Zaria, Nigeria between January, 2002 and December,
2011, were retrieved and analyzed using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences version 17.0, Chicago, IL, USA.
Result: A total of 236 dog bite-related cases was presented,
of which 1.7% dogs died of rabies. The number of cases (59.7%)
increased through time with the highest number (32) recorded in
2011. Majority of the cases were recorded between June and October
of each year. Of the biting dogs, 22.5% were puppies (1-6 months)
and 77.5% were adults (above 6 months). The human victims were
92.4%, while the dog victims were 7.6%. Eight of the dogs were
stray dogs, while 228 (96.6%) were owned dogs. Of the owned dogs,
71.2% were free-roaming. Only 22% of the owned dogs were
vaccinated. The most common offending breeds included the Nigerian
Indigenous local breeds (73.3%), cross breeds (24.6%), Alsatians
(0.8%), Terriers (0.8%), and Bulldogs (0.4%).
Conclusion: In conclusion, rabies is endemic in Zaria,
Nigeria, and the incidence of dog bites is on the rise. Strict
measures including vaccination of the dogs and the leash law
should be adopted to prevent dog bites.
Keywords: dog bites, prevalence, retrospective study.
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