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online: 27-08-2014)
Metabolizable protein systems in ruminant
nutrition: A review - Lalatendu Keshary Das, S. S.
Kundu, Dinesh Kumar and Chander Datt
Veterinary World, 7(8): 622-629

Lalatendu Keshary Das: Veterinary
Dispensary, Kalampur, Kalahandi, Odisha, India;
S. S. Kundu: Division of Dairy Cattle
Nutrition, National DairyResearch Institute, Karnal, Haryana,
Dinesh Kumar: Division of Animal
Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar
Pradesh, India;
Chander Datt:
Division of Dairy
Cattle Nutrition, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
Haryana, India;
15-05-2014, Revised: 07-07-2014, Accepted: 15-07-2014, Published
online: 27-08-2014
Corresponding author: Lalatendu
Keshary Das, email:
Protein available to ruminants is supplied by both microbial and
dietary sources. Metabolizable protein (MP) is the true protein
which is absorbed by the intestine and supplied by both microbial
protein and protein which escapes degradation in the rumen; the
protein which is available to the animal for maintenance, growth,
fetal growth during gestation, and milk production. Thus, the
concept of balancing ruminant rations basing on only dietary crude
protein (CP) content seems erroneous. In India, ruminant rations
are still balanced for digestible CP and total digestible
nutrients for protein and energy requirements, respectively.
Traditional feed analysis methods such as proximate analysis and
detergent analysis consider feed protein as a single unit and do
not take into account of the degradation processes that occur in
rumen and passage rates of feed fractions from rumen to intestine.
Therefore, the protein requirement of ruminants should include not
the dietary protein source, but also the microbial CP from rumen.
The MP systems consider both the factors, thus predict the protein
availability more accurately and precisely. This system is aptly
designed to represent the extent of protein degradation in the
rumen and the synthesis of microbial protein as variable
functions. Feed protein fractions, i.e., rumen degradable protein
and rumen undegradable protein play vital roles in meeting protein
requirements of rumen microbes and host animal, respectively. With
the advent of sophisticated nutrition models such as Cornell net
carbohydrate and protein system, National Research Council,
Agricultural Research Council, Cornell Penn Miner Dairy and Amino
Cow; ration formulation has moved from balancing diets from CP to
MP, a concept that describes the protein requirements of
ruminantsat intestinal level, and which is available to animals
for useful purposes.
digestible crude protein,
metabolizable protein, microbial protein, protein requirement,
total digestible nutrients.
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