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online: 27-08-2014)
Prevalence of snail’s intermediate host
infected with different trematodes cercariae in and around Ranchi
- M. N. Tigga, R. K. Bauri, A. R. Deb and S. S. Kullu
Veterinary World, 7(8): 630-634

M. N. Tigga: Division of Veterinary
Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
R. K. Bauri: Division of Veterinary
Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
A. R. Deb: Division of Veterinary
Parasitology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India;
S. S. Kullu Division of Animal
Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 11-05-2014, Revised:
12-07-2014, Accepted: 18-07-2014, Published online:
Corresponding author: Ram Krishna
Bauri, email:
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of
snail’s intermediate host affected with larval stages of different
Materials and Methods: Snails were collected from ponds,
tanks, ditches, canals and crop fields in and around Ranchi. They
were transported to the laboratory in water containers and
maintained in small aquaria, supplemented with natural food stuff.
Then, snails were screened randomly for their infection with
different trematodes by cercarial shedding method.
A total of 600 snails of different species mainly
Indoplanorbis, Gyraulus, Lymnaea spp. and
Vivipara were screened by cercarial shedding method out of
which 44 (7.33%) were found positive for different trematodes
cercariae. The percentage of infection in Indoplanorbis spp.,
Lymneae spp. and Gyraulus spp. were 7.22%, 8.60%, and
14.67%, respectively. Prevalence was higher in Gyraulus
whereas, Vivipara did not show any infection with
trematodes cercariae.
Conclusion: The present study reveals that Indoplanorbis
spp., Lymnaea spp. and Gyraulus
spp. are common snails found in and
around Ranchi. These snails act as intermediate hosts having
infective stages of parasites.
intermediate host, snails, Lymneae,
Indoplanorbis, Gyraulus, Vivipara.
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