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online: 09-08-2014)
6. Economic losses due to important diseases
of bovines in central India - Dhananjay Singh, Sanjay
Kumar, B. Singh and D. Bardhan
Veterinary World, 7(8): 579-585

Dhananjay Singh: Division of Livestock Economics,
Statistics and Information Technology, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Sanjay Kumar: ARIS Cell/Computer Centre, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
B. Singh: Division of Livestock Economics, Statistics and
Information Technology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
D. Bardhan: Division of Livestock Economics, Statistics and
Information Technology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 18-03-2014, Revised: 27-06-2014, Accepted: 03-07-2014,
Published online: 09-08-2014
Corresponding author: Dhananjay Singh, email:
Aim: To analyze the factors
associated with morbidity and mortality rates as well as to
evaluate economic losses due to important diseases of bovines,
viz. mastitis, HS and surra in Purvanchal Region of Uttar Pradesh.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 300 livestock owners
were selected from each of five divisions of Purvanchal region of
the state of Uttar Pradesh using multistage stratified sampling
with simple random sampling without replacement at village level.
The morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates due to different
diseases were determined using standard statistical indices.
Association between cattle morbidity and mortality rates and
different factors was calculated by
Test. The total economic loss due to diseases in bovines was
worked out as sum of mortality loss, loss in milk yield and cost
of treatment of affected animals.
Results: The overall morbidity rates of mastitis, HS and
surra in cattle and buffaloes were 15.5%, 7.1% and 5.3%,
respectively. The mortality and case fatality due to HS was found
higher in the young calves as compared to the adults in case of
both buffaloes and cattle. Mortality and case fatality due to
surra was greater in the adult animals as compared to the younger
ones in case of both buffaloes and cattle. Total losses due to
mastitis per lactation in ND cow, CB cow and buffalo were INR
868.34, INR 1, 314.10 and INR 1, 272.36, respectively. Total
losses due to HS per animal in ND cows, CB cows and buffaloes were
INR 2, 355.78, INR 3, 228.52 and INR 4, 262.57, respectively.
Total losses due to surra per animal in ND cow, CB cow and buffalo
were INR 3, 328.18, INR 6, 193 and INR 9, 872.33, respectively.
Conclusion: The study thus revealed significant losses due
to diseases in large ruminants on. There is thus ample scope for
preventive measures to control the disease bovines.
Keywords: buffalo, cattle, disease impact, morbidity,
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