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online: 12-08-2014)
8. Molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii
DNA in milk and risk factors analysis of seroprevalence in
pregnant women at Sharkia, Egypt - Heba A. Ahmed, Saleh
M. Shafik, Mahmoud E. M. Ali, Sanya T. Elghamry and Alshymaa A.
Veterinary World, 7(8): 594-600

Heba A. Ahmed: Department of Zoonoses, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, 44511, Zagazig, Egypt;
Saleh M. Shafik: Food Hygiene Department, Animal Health
Research Institute, Mansoura, Egypt;
Mahmoud E. M. Ali: Food Hygiene Department, Animal Health
Research Institute, Mansoura, Egypt;
Sanya T. Elghamry: Food Hygiene Department, Animal Health
Research Institute, Mansoura, Egypt;
Alshymaa A. Ahmed: Clinical pathology Department, Faculty
of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt;
Received: 10-05-2014, Revised: 26-06-2014, Accepted: 03-07-2014,
Published online: 12-08-2014
Corresponding author: Heba A. Ahmed, email:
Aim: Toxoplasmosis is one of
the most important zoonotic parasitic diseases worldwide.
Infection is not only acquired by contact with the definitive
host, but also by ingestion of raw milk and milk products. The aim
of the study was to detect T. gondii DNA in milk samples, and to
estimate anti-T. gondii antibodies in pregnant women for the
analysis of the associated risk factors.
Materials and Methods: The study involved molecular
examination of 150 milk samples collected from rural settings at
Sharkia, Egypt. Seroprevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies was
determined in 100 pregnant women by indirect haemagglutination
test. The analysis of risk factors associated with seropositive
results was assessed by univariate and multivariate logistic
Results: T. gondii DNA was detected in 8% and 2% of goat
and sheep milk samples, respectively, while none of cow milk
samples were positive. Seroprevalence of T. gondii antibodies in
pregnant women was 82%, anti-T. gondii-IgG and anti-T. gondii-IgM
were detected in 63% and 11% serum samples, respectively. The
results showed a significant correlation between the
seroprevalence and the contact with cats and consumption of raw
milk and homemade cheese.
Conclusion: The role of raw milk in transmission of T.
gondii cannot be excluded. Contact with cats remains the main risk
factor for acquiring T. gondii infection; also consumption of raw
milk and milk products is considered an important risk factor.
Further large scale studies are recommended to clarify the
association of T. gondii seroprevalence with different risk
Keywords: B1 gene, pregnant women, raw milk, risk factors,
seroprevalence, T. gondii.
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