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online: 04-12-2014)
Histoenzymatic studies on prenatal
development of submandibular salivary gland in buffalo (Bubalus
bubalis) -
A. D. Singh and Opinder Singh
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1032-1036

A. D.
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India;
Singh: Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Guru Angad Dev
Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab,
20-08-2014, Revised: 04-11-2014, Accepted: 13-11-2014, Published
online: 04-12-2014
Corresponding author:
Opinder Singh, e-mail:
The present study was aimed at elucidating the distribution of
various enzymes in the submandibular salivary gland of buffalo
during prenatal development and correlation of these enzyme
systems with the secretory activity of the gland.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on
submandibular salivary gland of 15 buffalo fetuses ranging from 11
cm curved crown-rump length (CVRL) (78 days) to 100 cm CVRL (full
term). The fetuses were categorized into three groups based on
their CVRL.
Results: A weak activity of phosphatases and oxidoreductases
was observed in the acinar cells and ductular epithelium at 11-19
cm CVRL (78-114 days). From 28 to 37 cm CVRL (136-157 days), a
weak to moderate diffused granular alkaline phosphatase (AKPase)
activity was observed in the seromucous acini whereas
oxidoreductases showed moderate activity. The enzyme activity
showed progressively increased with the advancement of the
gestation period. The AKPase activity was more in the lumen of
acini and along the intercellular canaliculi at 42-100 cm of CVRL
(168 days - full term). Large ducts exhibited strong activity for
oxidoreductases indicating increased metabolic activity of the
Conclusion: The fetuses of Group I showed a uniform weak
activity in the acinar cells and ductular epithelium of the gland.
In Group II, the enzymes showed a weak to moderate activity which
progressively increased with the advancement of gestation period.
The enzymes related to Group III showed a strong positive activity
for enzymes which reflected higher secretory activity of the
words: buffalo, enzyme histochemistry, prenatal, submandibular
salivary gland.
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