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online: 18-12-2014)
Identification and sequence
analysis of Tapasin gene in guinea fowl
- Varuna P. Panicker and R. Uma
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1099-1102

P. Panicker:
Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, India;
R. Uma:
Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary
and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, India;
12-09-2014, Revised: 13-11-2014, Accepted: 18-11-2014, Published
online: 18-12-2014
Corresponding author:
Varuna P. Panicker,
An attempt has been made to identify and study the nucleotide
sequence variability in exon 5 - exon 6 regions of guinea fowl
Tapasin gene.
Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from
randomly selected birds (12 guinea fowl birds) and Tapasin
gene amplified using chicken specific primers designed from
GenBank submitted sequences. Polymerase chain reaction conditions
were standardized so as get only single amplicons. Obtained
products were then cloned and sequenced; sequences were then
analyzed using suitable software.
Results: Amplicon size of the Tapasin gene in guinea
fowl was same as reported in chicken with areas of transitions and
transversions. The sequence variations reported in these coding
sequences might have influence in the protein structure, which may
be correlated with the increased immune status of the bird when
compared with chicken breeds.
Conclusion: Since Tapasin gene is an
immunologically important gene, which plays an important role in
the immune status of the bird. Sequence variations in the gene can
be correlated with the altered immune status of the bird.
Keywords: guinea fowl, Immunity, Tapasin
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