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online: 18-12-2014)
13. Body linear traits for identifying
prolific goats -
Avijit Haldar, Prasenjit Pal, Debasis
Majumdar, Chanchal K. Biswas, Saurabh Ghosh and Subhransu Pan
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1103-1107

Avijit Haldar:
Division of Animal Reproduction, ICAR Research Complex for North
Eastern Hill Region, Tripura Centre, Agartala, Lembucherra-
799210, West Tripura, India;
Prasenjit Pal:
Department of Fisheries Extension, College
of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Lembucherra, West
Tripura, India;
Debasis Majumdar:
Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra
Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India;
Chanchal K. Biswas:
Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra
Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India;
Saurabh Ghosh:
Department of Biological Sciences , Human
Genetics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal,
Subhransu Pan: Department of
Livestock Production Management, West Bengal University of Animal
and Fishery Sciences, 37, K. B. Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal,
Received: 18-07-2014, Revised: 06-11-2014,
Accepted: 13-11-2014, Published online: 18-12-2014
Corresponding author:
Avijit Haldar, e-mail:
Aim: The present study was
conducted on prolific goat breed to identify body linear type
traits that might be associated with prolificacy trait in goats.
Materials and Methods: Two-stage stratified random sample
survey based data were collected from 1427 non-pregnant goats with
the history of single, twin and triplet litter sizes (LZ) between
January 2008 to February 2011 for 3 years in 68 villages located
in East and North East India. Data on sixteen body linear traits
were analyzed using logistic regression model to do the step-wise
selection for identifying the body linear traits that could
determine LZ. An average value for each identified body linear
trait was determined for classifying the goats into three
categories: Goats having the history of single LZ, goats having
the history of twin LZ and goats having the history of triplet LZ.
Results: The LZ proportions for single, twin and triplet, were
29.50, 59.14 and 11.36%, respectively, with the prolificacy rate
of 181.85% in Indian Black Bengal goats. A total of eight body
linear traits that could determine LZ in prolific goats were
identified. Heart girth (HG) measurement (>60.90 cm), paunch girth
(PG) (>70.22 cm), wither height (WH) (>49.75 cm), neck length
(>21.45 cm), ear length (>12.80 cm) and distance between
trochanter major (DTM) bones (>12.28 cm), pelvic triangle area
(PTA) (>572.25 cm 2)
and clearance at udder (CU) (>23.16 cm) showed an increase
likelihood of multiple LZ when compared to single LZ. Further, HG
measurement (>62.29 cm), WH (>50.54 cm), PG (>71.85 cm) and ear
length (>13.00 cm), neck length (>22.01 cm), PTA (>589.64 cm2),
CU (>23.20 cm) and DTM bones (>12.47 cm) were associated with
increased likelihood of triplet LZ, when compared with that of
twin LZ.
Conclusion: HG measurement was the best discriminating factor,
while PG, neck length, DTM bones, CU, PTA, WH and ear length
measurements were other important factors that could be used for
identifying prolific goats to achieve economic benefit out of
prolificacy trait.
Keywords: Black Bengal, body
linear traits, goat, prolificacy, litter size.
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