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online: 23-12-2014)
Comparative efficacy
of crystalloid and colloid-crystalloid combination for the
management of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs -
Chandreyee Sen, Ashwani K. Sharma and P. S. Dhaliwal
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1108-1112

Chandreyee Sen:
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India;
K. Sharma:
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India;
P. S. Dhaliwal:
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India;
Received: 21-06-2014, Revised: 10-10-2014, Accepted: 16-10-2014,
Published Online: 23-12-2014
Corresponding author:
Chandreyee Sen, e-mail:
In the present study, a therapeutic trial was conducted to
assess comparative efficacy of crystalloid plus colloid and
crystalloid intravenous infusions alone as fluid therapy in dogs
suffering from hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE).
Materials and Methods: 20 dogs manifesting HGE, presented at
Teaching Veterinary Clinical Services Complex, Ludhiana, Punjab,
were selected randomly for the trial. All of them were observed to
suffer from moderate dehydration on clinical examination.
Crystalloids 5% DNS and RL were used in combination with polygelin
3.5% colloidal solution in the first group (Combination I) and in
the second group, the afore-said crystalloids (Combination II)
were used, both groups consisting of 10 cases each. Antibiotics
and symptomatic treatment were same for all the 20 cases. The
outcome of both treatment groups was evaluated on hemato-biochemical
parameters, before and after administration of the therapies and
compared statistically within and between the two groups. Hemato-biochemical
parameters of eight clinically healthy animals were considered as
control for comparison.
On hemato-biochemical examination, significant alterations
were observed in leucogram, platelet and serum globulin
concentration after the treatment in the first group as compared
to before treatment values. In the second group, mean hemoglobin
varied significantly after the treatment. After therapies were
administered, significant difference in serum globulin level and
albumin: Globulin was found in between the treatment groups
(Combination I and Combination II). Clinical recovery was faster
in the first group than the second group of animals.
Conclusion: On hemodynamic and laboratory data, efficacies of
both the fluid therapies were equivocal. Colloidal solutions may
hasten recovery in small animals suffering from gastrointestinal
Keywords: colloid, crystalloid, dog, hemato-biochemical
studies, hemorrhagic-gastroenteritis.
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