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Prevalence of
Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis infestation in pigs of
Meghalaya and its treatment -
R. Laha, M. Das, P. K. Bharti, Suresh Kumar,
A. Sen and A. Goswami
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1137-1139

R. Laha:
Division of Animal Health, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya,
M. Das:
Division of Animal Health, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya,
P. K.
Division of Animal Production, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam,
Meghalaya, India;
Division of Animal Production, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam,
Meghalaya, India;
A. Sen:
Division of Animal Health, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya,
Division of Animal Health, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya,
23-08-14, Revised: 03-11-14, Accepted: 11-11-14, Published online:
Corresponding author:
R. Laha, e-mail:
The aim was to study the prevalence of Sarcoptes scabiei
var. suis infestation in pigs of Meghalaya and to treat
the infested pigs with the chemotherapeutic agent.
Materials and Methods: A total of 196 numbers of pigs were
suspected for Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis
infestation maintained in both organized and unorganized pig farms
as well as pigs brought for slaughter to pig slaughterhouses of
Meghalaya. Deep skin scrapings were collected from all these 196
numbers of pigs. The collected scrapings were digested in 10%
potassium hydroxide separately and centrifuged. The sediment
portions were examined under both low and high power of the
microscope to find any mite. Except the infested pigs that were
brought for slaughter, all other infested pigs were treated with
ivermectin @ 300 μg/kg body weight (b.wt) subcutaneously.
Results: Of 196 numbers of suspected pigs, 21 (10.71%) numbers
of pigs were found infested with Sarcoptes scabiei var.
suis after microscopical examination of skin scrapings. Except
the infested pigs that were brought for slaughter, all other
infested pigs were treated successfully with ivermectin @ 300 μg/kg
b.wt subcutaneously.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that
sarcoptic mange caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis
is very much prevalent in pigs whether maintained in organized
farms, as well as pigs maintained in unorganized way in village
conditions. Pig owners should not neglect this infestation as it
has economic significance. Ivermectin @ 300 μg/kg b.wt
subcutaneously has been found to be effective to treat this
Keywords: Meghalaya, Pig, Sarcoptes
scabiei var. suis.
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