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online: 29-12-2014)
Therapeutic efficacy of different Hemodialysis prescriptions in
canine azotemia -
Ekta Atul Thakkar and Rajiv V. Gaikwad
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1150-1156

Atul Thakkar:
Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and
Jurisprudence, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India;
Rajiv V. Gaikwad: Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine,
Ethics and Jurisprudence, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Department of Veterinary Clinical
Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence and I/C Department of
Veterinary Nuclear Medicine, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India;
Received: 29-07-2014, Revised: 05-11-2014, Accepted: 20-11-2014,
Published online: 29-12-2014
Corresponding author:
Rajiv V. Gaikwad, email:
The aim was to determine therapeutic efficacy of different
Hemodialysis prescriptions in canine azotemia.
Materials and Methods: Patients (n=9) with acute onset of
renal dysfunction or chronic patients with superimposed acute
factor (component) or patients with known chronic nature of the
disease were dialyzed with Fresenius 4008S hemodialysis machine
after jugular catheterization. Patients were randomly divided into
two groups, one group (n=3) was dialyzed every day and second
(n=4) was dialyzed on alternate days. The patients were evaluated
for following parameters to compare the efficacy of the dialysis
prescription: Urea reduction ratio (URR), creatinine reduction
ratio (CRR), Kt/V, time averaged concentration of urea (TAC urea).
and Discussion: Increasing both dialysis frequency and
duration is the superior dialysis schedule. Patient dialyzed every
day with total processed blood volume 1.79 L/Kg for 4 h 26
min/session had the lowest TAC of 36.82 mg/dl, thereby was
considered it as a better prescription.
Keywords: creatinine reduction ratio,
hemodialysis, Kt/V, time averaged concentration of urea, urea
reduction ratio.
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