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online: 11-12-2014)
7. Performance of Tharparkar calves
following a suckling or non-suckling rearing system -
Vipin Kumar Upadhyay, A. K. S. Tomar, B. H.
M. Patel, S. Sahu, P. K. Bharti and D. M. Golher
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1071-1074

Kumar Upadhyay:
Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
A. K.
S. Tomar:
Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
B. H.
M. Patel:
Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
S. Sahu:
Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
P. K.
Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
D. M.
Golher: Livestock Production & Management Section, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
17-07-2014, Revised: 26-10-2014, Accepted: 03-11-2014, Published
online: 11-12-2014
Corresponding author:
S. Sahu, e-mail:
The aim was to find out the influence of suckling and
non-suckling system of rearing on growth performance of indigenous
Tharparkar calves.
Materials and Methods: A total of 14 Tharparkar calves was
randomly divided into two groups. The Group 1 (G-1) was suckling
group, in which calves were allowed to suckle from the same dam
twice a day before/after milking from birth to 90 days of age,
while in Group 2 (G 2), calves were weaned (non-suckling)
immediately after birth (1st day weaning). The
non-suckling calves were fed with colostrum within few hours after
birth and twice daily for 3 days at the rate of 10% of live body
weight (LBW) and later, kept under pail feeding till 71 days of
age along with calf starter and green fodder as per the Indian
Veterinary Research Institute protocol. The experimental trial was
continued for 90 days of age of calf from its birth. Observations
regarding various growth performances were made following standard
procedures and the data obtained were statistically analyzed by
SPSS program version 17.
Results: The effect of rearing system was found to be
significantly (p ≤0.05)
higher for G 1 calves on 15 days LBW whereas it was highly
significant (p≤0.01)
on LBW’s at subsequent readings as compared to G 2 calves. For
average daily gain (ADG) (g/day), G 1 calves showed highly
significant (p≤0.01)
value than G 2 calves during 0-30 days (447.62±58.13 in G 1 vs.
176.19±15.79 in G 2) and 31-60 days (614.29±77.27 in G 1 vs.
233.33±37.80 in G 2) and remained statistically significant (p≤0.05)
between 61 and 90 days. On different body measurements, effect of
system of rearing was non-significant up to 15 days. From 30 days
onwards, higher significant values for G 1 calves were observed
for heart girth and body length whereas for body height
significant results were obtained from 45 days onward. This
superiority in all growth parameters expressed by suckling system
calves might be due to longer duration of milk feeding and more
intake of milk as compared to that of non-sucking group.
Conclusion: Therefore present study was concluded that the
calves reared under suckling system attained higher LBW, ADG in
body weight and body measurements than the non-suckling group of
Tharparkar calves.
Keywords: body measurements, growth,
suckling, Tharparkar calves, weaning.
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PMid:20162547 PMCid:PMC3377500 |