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online: 11-12-2014)
8. Effect of supplementation of different
levels of selenium as nanoparticles/sodium selenite on blood
biochemical profile and humoral immunity in male Wistar rats
- S. J. Bunglavan, A. K. Garg, R. S. Dass and
Sameer Shrivastava
Veterinary World, 7(12): 1075-1081

S. J.
Division of Animal Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
A. K.
Division of Animal Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
R. S.
Division of Animal Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Shrivastava: Division of Animal Biotechnology, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
31-07-2014 Revised: 06-11-2014 Accepted: 11-11-2014, Published
online: 11-12-2014
Corresponding author:
S. J. Bunglavan, e-mail:
To study the effect of supplementation of different levels of
selenium as nanoparticles/sodium selenite on blood biochemical
profile and humoral immunity in male Wistar rats.
Materials and Methods: The experimental research was conducted
at Division of Animal Nutrition, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar. 63 male Wistar rats were divided into 9
equal groups on the basis of their mean body weight (BW)
(124.3±3.1 g BW) following completely randomized design.
Experimental feeding was similar in all the groups except for the
source and level of selenium (Se) in the diet. While Group 1
(control) was fed a basal diet with no Se supplementation, in
Groups 2 and 3, 150 ppb Se was supplemented either as sodium
selenite or Se nanoparticles, respectively. In Groups 4, 5, 6 and
7, Se was supplemented as its nanoparticles at 50%, 25%, 12.5% and
6.25% levels respectively i.e. at 75 ppb, 37.5 ppb, 18.75 ppb and
9.375 ppb levels respectively. In Groups 8 and 9, 300 ppb Se was
supplemented either as Se nanoparticles or sodium selenite,
respectively. Experimental feeding was conducted for a period of
91 days. At the end of the experimental trial, blood samples were
collected to analyze the blood serum biochemical profile (serum
glucose, serum total protein (TP), serum albumin, serum globulin,
serum albumin: globulin ratio [A:G ratio], serum total
cholesterol) and humoral immunity.
Results: The levels of serum glucose, serum
TP and serum albumin were comparable (p>0.05) among the nine
groups of male Wistar rats. The mean serum total cholesterol was
significantly (p<0.001) lowered in all the Se supplemented Wistar
rats compared to the control group. The mean serum globulin level
was significantly (p<0.05) higher and A:G ratio was significantly
(p<0.05) lowered in Group 3 (supplemented with 150 ppb selenium
nanoparticles) followed by Groups 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 as compared
to the control group. The mean serum antibody titer was
significantly (p<0.001) higher in all the Se supplemented groups
with the highest value in Group 3 (supplemented with 150 ppb
selenium nanoparticles) followed by Groups 4, 5, 8 and 9 compared
to the control group.
Conclusion: Supplementation of selenium
nanoparticles at the level of 150 ppb gave the best performance in
terms of increased serum globulin level, reduced A:G ratio, and
improved humoral immune status in male Wistar rats.
Keywords: humoral immunity, nanoparticles,
selenium, serum cholesterol, serum globulin, serum glucose, serum
total protein, Wistar rats.
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