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7. Effect of inclusion of Azolla pinnata on the
haematological and carcass characteristics of crossbred large white yorkshire
pigs - D. M. Cherryl, R. M. V. Prasad, S. Jagadeeswara Rao, P.
Jayalaxmi and B. Eswar Rao
Veterinary World, 7(2): 78-82
Aim: To study the
haematological and carcass parameters of pigs fed with Azolla
based rations.
Materials and Methods: An experiment was done for 120 days
using 18 crossbred Large White Yorkshire pigs fed with diets
containing Azolla as protein replacement at 0, 10 and 20 percent,
respectively. The mean haematological parameters of the three
experimental groups were studied before start of an experiment,
and during the grower phase and finisher phase. Two pigs from each
group were slaughtered after 120 days of experimental feeding to
study the carcass parameters.
Results: Haematological parameters like PCV, Hb, RBC, WBC,
MCV, MCH, MCHC were studied and found that there were no
significant (P > 0.05) differences between means of the three
groups except for MCV and MCH during growing phase. There was no
significant difference among the pigs fed different rations for
the various carcass characteristics. A higher dressing percentage
was observed in T3 pigs (83.45 percent) followed by T2 pigs (81.37
percent) and T1 pigs (81.18 percent). It was noticed that there
was a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the means of fat
percentage and it was observed that fat percentage was higher in
T1 (2.11) followed by T2 (2.04) and T3 (1.27).
Conclusion: Sun dried Azolla inclusion upto 20 percent in
the diets did not appear to affect the haematological and carcass
parameters of pigs. Further it was observed that, inclusion of
Azolla in the diets of swine helped to obtain higher dressing
percentage and pork with less fat percentage when compared to that
of pigs fed with conventional concentrates.
Keywords: azolla, carcass traits, crossbred, haematological
parameters, Large White Yorkshire, pig diets.
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