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5. Evaluation of recombinant LipL32 based latex
agglutination test for serodiagnosis of porcine leptospirosis
- Sujit K. Behera, T. Sabrinath, Pallab Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar,
Suresh C. Das and R. K. Agarwal
Veterinary World, 7(1): 17-20
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy
of recombinant LipL32 based Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) in
serodiagnosis of porcine leptospirosis.
Materials and Methods: Recombinant protein was produced,
purified and they are coated with latex bead for performing Latex
Agglutination Test. A total of 85 sera samples of pigs were
collected and screened for the presence of antileptospiral
antibodies using Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and
Results: Seroprevalence rate of 18.22% was reported with
Tarassovi as the predominant serovar. In the present study, the
rLipL32-based LAT is having 81.25 % sensitivity, 98.55%
specificity, 95.29% accuracy and k-value of 98.43%.
Conclusion: The result revealed good sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy of the serodiagnostic test of porcine
leptospirosis. It can be useful as a pen side diagnostic test for
swine leptospirosis in field condition.
Keywords: porcine leptospirosis, MAT, rLipL32LAT
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