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online: 24-07-2014)
15. Selected studies on foreign body impaction in goats with
special reference to ultrasonography
- A. M. Abdelaal and
S. EL-Maghawry
Veterinary World, 7(7): 522-527

A. M. Abdelaal: Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig - 44511, Egypt;
S. EL-Maghawry: Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig - 44511, Egypt;
Received: 15-05-2014, Revised: 12-06-2014, Accepted: 16-06-2014,
Published online: 24-07-2014
Corresponding author: A. M. Abdelaal email:,
Background and Aim: Diagnosis
of foreign body impaction in ruminant is still of interest in most
clinical studies. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate
this condition using B-mode ultrasonography in addition to
evaluation of clinical, hemato-biochemical and ruminal parameters
in healthy and affected goats.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen clinically normal goats and
15 goats with foreign body impaction were recruited in Menia El-Kamh
abattoir. All animals were selected only when revealed negative
for internal and external parasite. Thorough clinical,
ultrasonographic examination and blood analysis were applied
before slaughtering. Meanwhile, ruminal fluid and necropsy
findings were assessed after slaughtering.
Results: The prominent clinical signs in diseased group
were inappetence, dullness, emaciation, weakness, scanty hard
feces and tympany. Ultrasonographic examination of diseased goats
revealed the presence of foreign body at left 11th-12th ICS.
Foreign body in rumen appeared as hyperechoic band with acoustic
shadowing. Significant reduction in ruminal wall thickness and
biphasic reticular motility along with significant increase in
monophasic reticular contraction and relaxation period were
recorded in diseased goats when compared with control one. The
erythrocytes count, hemoglobin content, hematocrit percent and
albumin were significantly decreased in diseased goats when
compared with healthy one. Moreover, ruminal fluid analysis of
affected goats revealed significant decrease in ruminal pH and
prolonged Methylene blue reduction time.
Conclusions: Findings indicated that B-mode ultrasonography
is a relatively simple and objective method for diagnosis of
foreign body impaction in goats.
Keywords: foreign body, goats, haemato-biochemistry,
ruminal fluid, ultrasonography.
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