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online: 07-07-2014)
5. Characterization of physico-chemical
properties of cervical mucus in relation to parity and conception
rate in Murrah buffaloes - K. K. Verma, Shiv Prasad, A.
Kumaresan, T. K. Mohanty, S. S. Layek, T. K. Patbandha and S.
Veterinary World, 7(7): 467-471

K. K. Verma:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
Shiv Prasad:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
A. Kumaresan:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
T. K. Mohanty:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
S. S. Layek:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
T. K. Patbandha:
Department of Livestock Production Management, Veterinary College,
Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat, India;
S. Chand:
Livestock Production Management Section, Livestock Research
Center, National Dairy Research Institute, rnal, Haryana 132001,
Received: 04-04-2014, Revised: 07-06-2014, Accepted: 09-06-2014,
Published online: 07-07-2014
Corresponding author: K. K. Verma, Present address:
Livestock Production Management Section, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243122, India, email:
Aim: To characterize the
physico-chemical properties of estrual cervical mucus among
different parities and analyse their association with conception
rate in Murrah buffaloes.
Materials and Methods: Cervical mucus was collected from
the mid-cervix using sterile blue sheath before artificial
insemination (AI) in Murrah buffaloes (n=94) and examined for
appearance (transparent/ translucent), consistency (thin/
moderate/ thick), Spinnbarkeit value, arborisation pattern
(typical/ atypical/ nil), pH and electrical conductivity.
Artificial insemination was carried out using frozen-thawed semen
by recto-vaginal method and pregnancy was confirmed by per-rectal
examination after 60 days of insemination. Furthermore, the
conception rates were calculated and their relationship with
physico-chemical properties of cervical mucus was studied.
Results: Cervical mucus was clear and thin in 85.10% and
15.96 % of estrus periods, respectively. Typical arborisation
pattern of cervical mucus was observed in 54.25% of the estruses.
The Mean ± SEM of pH, electrical conductivity and Spinnbarkeit
value of mucus were 7.82 ± 0.02, 14.00 ± 0.10 mS/cm and 14.18 ±
0.59 cm, respectively. Significantly (P< 0.05) higher conception
rate (54.90%) was observed in buffaloes inseminated with typical
arborisation pattern of cervical mucus as compared to atypical
arborisation pattern (20.00%) and no conception was recorded in
the estruses with nil arborisation pattern.
Conclusion: The results of present investigation concluded
that arborisation pattern has significant relationship with
conception rate thus can be used as an important criteria to
predict the right time of AI for improving conception rate in
Murrah buffaloes.
Keywords: arborisation pattern, cervical mucus, conception
rate, Murrah buffalo.
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