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online: 11-06-2014)
6. Evaluation of immunochromatographic
assay for serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis in Gezira State,
Sudan - A. M. El-Eragi, Manal H. Salih, Mihad F. E. M.
Alawad and K. B. Mohammed
Veterinary World, 7(6): 395-397

A. M. El-Eragi: Department of Pathology and Diagnosis,
Veterinary Research Institute. P. O. Box 8067 (ALAmart), Khartoum,
Manal H. Salih: Department of Pathology and Diagnosis,
Veterinary Research Institute. P. O. Box 8067 (ALAmart), Khartoum,
Mihad F. E. M. Alawad: Department of Brucella, Veterinary
Research Institute. P. O. Box 8067 (ALAmart), Khartoum, Sudan;
K. B. Mohammed: Department of Pathology and Diagnosis,
Veterinary Research Institute. P. O. Box 8067 (ALAmart), Khartoum,
Received: 15-02-2014, Revised: 02-05-2014, Accepted: 08-05-2014,
Published online: 11-06-2014
Corresponding author: K. B. Mohammed, email:
Aim: To assess the diagnostic
value of the Immunochromatographic Assay (ICA) for serodiagnosis
of bovine brucellosis and comparing results with those obtained
from Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and Indirect Enzyme Linked
Immunsorbent Assay (iELISA).
Materials and Methods: In this study, 40 bovine sera were
subjected to serological tests for bovine brucellosis using RBPT,
iELISA and ICA using Anigen Rapid B. Brucella Ab test kit.
Results: Out of the 40 bovine sera examined, antibody
against Brucella were detected in 24 (60%), 27 (67.5%) and 20
(50%) samples by by RBPT, iELISA and ICA respectively. The kappa
value between iELISA and ICA was 0.45 and that between RBPT and
iELISA was 0.53. The sensitivity for RBPT and ICA was (76%) and
(59.26%) respectively while specificity was (57.14%) and (80%) for
these two tests respectively.
Conclusion: These findings indicated that ICA was more
specific than RBPT while the latter was more sensitive. Both tests
showed almost moderate agreement.
Keywords: bovine, brucellosis, immunochromatographic,
serodiagnosis, Sudan.
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