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13. Productive performance of indigenous
and HF crossbred dairy cows in Gondar, Ethiopia - Niraj
Kumar, Alemayehu Eshetie, Abreha Tesfaye and Hailelule Aleme
Veterinary World, 7(3): 177-181

Aim: To study the magnitude
of variation in lactation length (LL), lactation milk yield (LMY)
and peak-yield (PY)due to genetic and non-genetic cases in
indigenous and crossbred cattle reared under private dairy unit in
and around Gondar, Ethiopia.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 411 milch
animals from 86 dairy farmers comprising of 172 indigenous and 239
Holstein-Friesian (HF) crossbred cows. These cows were maintained
under farmer's management system in and around Gondar (Ethiopia)
and were analyzed by Least squares analysis to study the magnitude
of variation in their LL, LMY and PY due to genetic and some
non-genetic factors.
Result: The overall Least squares means for LL, LMY and PY
were estimated to be 275.1165.23 days, 1407.3471.34 litres and
6.880.38 litres respectively. Genetic group and lactation order
had significant effect (P0.01) on LL, LMY and PY. Season of
calving had significant effect (P0.01) on LMY and PY but its
effect on LL was non-significant. Effect of location of herd was
significant (P0.05) on LMY and PY while its effect on LL was
non-significant. Variations in all the traits due to herd size and
farming system were statistically non-significant.
Conclusion: Productive performance of dairy cows in this
study was found to be lesser than the optimum values desirable for
profitable milk production.
Keywords: crossbred cows, indigenous, lactation length,
lactation milk yield, peak milk yield.
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