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Pharmacokinetic parameters of meloxicam after its oral
administration in goat - A. R. Wani, S. U. Nabi, S. A.
Bhat, O. S. Shah, N. A. Kutchy and R. K. Roy
Veterinary World, 7(3): 141-145

Aim: The objective of the
present study was to find out the levels of analgesic drug
meloxicam in the blood plasma of young goats. The drug was given
to them through oral route. Data was used to elucidate the
Pharmacokinetic determinants of the drug which were employed to
arrive at the dose schedule and frequency of the drug in goats.
Materials and Methods: Elaborate pharmacokinetic research
of the drug meloxicam was done on 18 to 24 months old, five adult
male local goats (Capra hircus) of Assam weighing 20 to 25 kg.The
drug was given orally at the dose rate of 0.35 mg/kg at the Goat
Rearing farm, Guwahati, Assam. Analysis of blood was done by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system.
Results: The mean values of area under curve (AUC) and mean
area under curve (AUMC) were 3137.488 ± 125.3749 µg.min/ml and
4650460 ± 380892.4744 µg.min2/ml respectively .The mean peak
plasma level of meloxicam was 1.972 ± 0.0477 µg/ml at 600 min. The
mean values of elimination half life (t1/2β) and absorption half
life (t1/2Ka) were 693±0.00 min and 170.6 ± 17.0076 min
respectively. The mean values of volume of distribution (Vd) and
mean residence time (MRT) were 0.114 ± 0.0156 L/kg and 1472.264 ±
63.336 min respectively. The mean value of Tmax was found to be
497 ± 19.8040 min. Following single oral administration the
minimum effective therapeutic concentration or minimum effective
plasma concentration of meloxicam was detectable up to 1200 min.
The bioavailibity (F) of the drug was 80.5 ± 10.0150%.
Conclusion: These pharmacokinetic determinants were used to
determine the frequency and dose schedule of meloxicam in goats.
The minimum effective concentration of the drug is 0.7 µg/ml in
plasma. To maintain this, an initial loading dose of 0.5 mg/kg
body weight should be followed by a maintenance dose of 0.4 mg/kg
body weight/10 hour.
Keywords: half-life, male Assam goat, meloxicam, oral
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