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7. Evaluation of biochemical alterations
produced by combined exposure of fenvalerate and nitrate in
Bubalus bubalis - Kamalpreet Kaur Gill, H.S. Sandhu and
Rajdeep Kaur
Veterinary World, 7(3): 146-151

Aim: Evaluation of combined
effect of fenvalerate and nitrate on biochemical parameters in
buffalo calves.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen male buffalo calves were
divided into four groups of four calves each. Group I receiving no
treatment served as the control. Group II and III animals were
orally administered with fenvalerate (1.0 mg/kg/day) and sodium
nitrate (20 mg/kg/day), respectively, for 21 consecutive days and
were kept as positive control. Group IV animals were
co-administered with fenvalerate and sodium nitrate at the above
dose rates for 21 consecutive days. Biochemical parameters
including Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alkaline phosphatase
(ALP), Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), Lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), Glucose, Total protein, Albumin, Cholesterol, Blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine were determined on 0, 3, 7, 10, 14,
17 and 21 day of treatment. Estimation of these parameters was
also done on 7th day of post-treatment period.
Results: Co-administration of fenvalerate and sodium
nitrate produced significant increase in the plasma levels of AST,
ALP, GGT, LDH, glucose, BUN, cholesterol and creatinine while
significant decrease in the plasma levels of total proteins was
observed. No significant alteration was observed in albumin
levels. Extent of organ damage as evidenced by biochemical
alterations was more pronounced in calves exposed to combination
of fenvalerate and sodium nitrate as compared to their individual
Conclusion: Fenvalerate and sodium nitrate
co-administration potentiates the toxicological injury produced,
in comparison to their individual exposure.
Keywords: biochemical, buffalo calves, combined exposure,
fenvalerate, sodium nitrate
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