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online: 04-11-2014)
Fly proof net shed for livestock: A novel
concept of physical barrier for integrated management of
Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) -
B. W. Narladkar and P. R. Shivpuje
Veterinary World, 7(11): 899-908

B. W.
Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery
University, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India;
P. R.
Shivpuje: Department of Agricultural Entomology, Marathwada
Agricultural University, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India;
02-08-2014, Revised: 15-09-2014, Accepted: 25-09-2014, Published
online: 04-11-2014
Corresponding author:
B. W. Narladkar, e-mail:
An age old and time tested technique of mosquito net requiring
no energy, used by humans since prehistoric period was the
inspiration behind this novel technique of fly proof net shed for
livestock. With the aim to develop similar type of net shed
for animals, which will protect them at night from biting of range
of insects from Culicoides midges to mosquitoes, research
was undertaken.
Materials and Methods: Net shed with pitch roof (gable type)
was erected for use of livestock. The open inlet area was covered
with 40 mesh size wire net. The roof at attic level was fitted
with hurricane type of ventilator. Shed was used for animals at
night hours only. vane anemometer was used for estimation of
temperature and wind related parameters. Thermal humidity index (THI)
and air changes were calculated as per the standard formulas.
Based on these parameters suitability of shed was judged.
Results: It was observed that, due to netting of the shed
population of Culicoides and other flies and incidences of
their bites at night hours were considerably lowered. As a result,
animals were found comfortable, and their body movements
undertaken for wiping off these flies were significantly reduced
from 196.50 to 22.16. All it accrued to increased milk yield to
the tune of 18.97% in the net shed buffaloes as against control
shed. Studies on suitability and comfort to animals were tested by
estimating THI and air changes per hour in the net shed, which
also revealed the estimates in comfortable regimen and
ventilation, remained not much affected despite of netting. Other
parameters studied for testing its more accuracy by taking other
species of animals as kids, for them also, shed was found suitable
through estimation of various physiological and behavioral
parameters. Finally, the efficacy of shed was judged on the basis
of cost effectiveness. Highly encouraging results on the above
said parameters endorsed the effectiveness of the technique.
Conclusion: A net shed with pitch roof (gable type) fitted
with hurricane type ventilator at its top serves the purpose of a
physical barrier to minimize host-pest contact. Observations
recorded in the experiment are sound enough to conclude and to
recommend the use of net shed for livestock.
Keywords: Culicoides spp., fly proof net shed,
integrated pest management, livestock, physical barrier.
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